Mystery leak

Leak is an ancient knowledge passed down by the ancestors of Hindus in Bali.
In this day and age people wonder what was really leak?, What did leak it hurt?
In general, it does not hurt the leak, the leak was a pretty good science for the interested.
Because science leak also had its own ethics.

Not easy to learn science leak.
It takes excellent ability to learn science leak.
In communities often labeled leak could hurt even kill humans, but not like that.
Science leak is also similar to other science contained in ancient lontar Bali.

Science leak once the study is not arbitrary, because science is a science leak confidential enough as defense from enemy attacks.
Ancient Balinese people who study science are senior officials, the king accompanied by his subordinates.
The goal for the defense of science, especially the enemy attacks from the outside.
The people who study this science simply choose a secret place, because the science is indeed a secret leak.

So those who carelessly did not learn.
But times have changed this study also automatically change according to time.
But essentially the same in the application.
Clear science leak did not hurt.

What hurt was teluh or nerangjana science, this negative knowledge, specifically to hurt people because some things like revenge, envy, want more superior, this is called science pengiwa.
Pengiwa science is developing in which many societies are often labeled as science leak.

As was said above that there is a leak in accordance with the level of studies, including the endih leak.
Endih leak usually appears at the time they again exercise or another chat with other leak either similar or opposite sex.
Endih's emergence at night, especially at midnight.
The day was a certain day is not random people start to do the science.

Why place haunted?
This is in accordance with the science of the leak which should be studied in a quiet place, usually in the cemetery or somewhere quiet.
This can be Endih physical or jnananya (spirit) itself, because this knowledge can not be generalized for the study.
For a recent study, it is endih own tongue by using a mantra or a means.
In conducting this study takes a little ceremony.
Meanwhile, through jnananya (spirit), the perpetrator uses the essence of soul soul or leak science.
So looks like endih leak, but it is still in the house. Which runs only his own soul or suksma.

This leak endih form varied according to rank.
There was a ball, a cage, depending on the standard (ethics used).
Science is also holding the ethics to be followed by the adherents.

Endih leak is not the same as other light rays, if this leak endih usually depends on the viewer.
If you have ever seen, endih walking in the direction of the wind, this endih flickering light is not like other silent.

The color was different, if it exceeds endih leak from one color and it went endih whereas usually the color of light and quiet.
Because of this leak endih properties of electromagnetic waves have a magnetic power.

Science leak did not hurt.
People who happened to see it do not need to concern.
Be reasonable course.
If fear of seeing, say the name of the Lord's name.
This does not cause Endih heat.

And endih can not be used for cooking because it is different.
Endih leak is timeless, can not be touched.

Leak Shoping in Grave

In essence, science is the science of spirituality leak which aims to seek enlightenment through sacred script. In Bali there is no script called leak.
That there is "liya, ak" which means five characters (insert and remove the power of literacy in the body through a specific procedure).

Five characters are Si, Wa, O, Na, Ma.
- The Lord is reflected
- Wa is a gift
- Yes is the spirit
- Na is the force that covers intelligence
- Ma is a handcuff egoism soul

Strength of this script is called penta GNI (five fires). Humans who study anything spiritual, culminating when he would be out of light (aura).

This light out through the five-door body senses the ears, eyes, mouth, soft spot, and genitals.

In general, the light was out through the eyes and mouth. Therefore, when we see someone in a cemetery or place of quiet, the fire seemed to burn the person's hair.

In principle, science does not leak to learn how to hurt someone. Learned was how to get a sensation when meditating in the contemplation of these characters.

When the sensation was coming, then that person can walk out of her body through ngelekas or ngerogo sukmo. Ngelekas said inner means that kontaksi astra body we can get out. This is also why people ngeleak.
When preparing the puja called inner angeregep pengelekasan. At this point our spirits can walk in the light of the general form called endih.

The ball of light flew fast. Endih is part of the human astral body (this body is not limited by space and time)
Here players can enjoy the beauty of the night in the other inner dimension. Make no mistake, the world pengeleakan there is a code of ethics.
Because not everyone can see endih. Also do not dare to come out of random rough body if no immediate interest.

Other regulations such as not allowed in or close to the dead. People just ngeleak his shopping in the cemetery (pemuwunan).
If there is a new body, members of the leak must come to the cemetery to give a prayer that the spirit may well have a place suitable karma.
Here's the sound of prayer to give thanks to the leak: "ong, GNI anglebur panca maha brahma butha, anglukat Sarining immediately. ring kite BETARA mulihankene teachers, we tumitis human mahatama dadi. ong now legitimate, Prete namah ".

Carrying a coconut as ivory for tirta dipercikan. Well, here there are differences of opinion, for the laity. It is said that the leak to the grave to eat the corpse, or increase knowledge.
Why should the grave? Got any leak is the status you become a man, powerful man, scholar, rich, poor, will end in a cemetery.

Tradition some people in India there is no other holy places in the cemetery. Why is that?
This is where the spirits gather in the spirit of unrest.
In Bali, says the sacred tomb, as they often appear the things scary. This is because we rarely open palm Ulun tatwaning Setra.
So we do not know the actual grave is the best place to meditate and give thanks to prayer.
The Buda Kecapi, Mpu Kuturan, Gajah Mada, Diah Nateng Dirah, Mpu Bradah, all was enlightened in the cemetery.
In Java, this tradition is called tirakat.

Leak also has limitations depending on the level of spiritual study. There are seven levels of leak.
Leak barracks (brahma).
Leak was only able to remove the red light the fire. Leak months, pemamoran leak, leak rate, leak juice, rangdu Cemeng leak, leak KLAKAH Siwa.
Leak KLAKAH Siwa is the highest. Because of the seven light cakranya issued in accordance with the will of thought.

Each level has a certain strength. This is where the leak is often kecele adherents, when the labile emotions.

Science can be blind or boomerang for himself. This is a damage to a university.
Just as with a pistol, one wearing dangerous. Therefore, emotional stability is very important, and here the teacher is very strict in giving lessons.
During this leak scapegoats blamed for terror and a source of disease, or aji ugig for some people.
Though there is indeed a special school to learn witchcraft called penestian. Science is designed how to make wretched, sick, with a black inner strength.
Either way there is to provoke other people's mistakes, so emotional. After the emotion before she reacts.
Emotions were made for penestian backlash. Doctrine penestian use spell spell-specific, such as GNI salembang aji, aji dungkul, quiet aji, aji penangkeb, pengenduh aji, aji teluh teranjana. This is called pengiwa (left hand).

Why the left hand, because each drew strength always include the energy from the left side of the body.
Pengiwa many uses rajah-rajah (mystical writings). Too smart to make sick from a distance, and can not be guaranteed dirontgent in the lab.
The most advanced is cetik (mystical poison). This flow pengeleakan contrary. If the war, this is the sound of the spell, ong angimpus leak gandu Siwa, Siwa sumedang anundung leak, I settled immediately mapawakan GNI.

This Leak science today is still growing because there's heir, as the preservation of Hindu culture in Bali, and if you want to see the leak came on the day ngendih Kliwon Kajeng Enjitan in the cemetery at midnight.

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