Flies can behave like humans

Who said flies can not act as our behaviors, humans turned out they could do what we like for you know, but do it when dead flies bangaki alias so, he he. This is the creativity of an artist from Sweden who in immortalized in the photograph that we had collect, but funny and fun artistic couple.

We think this is an idea so brilliant in creating. Art is something that is free and dynamic so that is not limited to common and natural. Want to see the ideas and results of these flies art, please enjoy only here

Unique art created flies that act like humans

flies can ride a horse! : D

its height it was worth, there is a high short ... ^ ^

good arms, too ,...... ^ O ^

want to have shoes too ,..... id like ngegosip .. huehuehe ,.....

good at balancing things ,....

more laziness sunbathing and beach ,.............

likes to play his son was also eligible children ,.... ^ ^

pee ih vain!

toilet quaee also ! ^ ^

also likes diving, .. hahaa ,..............

clay is also called for a moment the life flies peek yes, ... ohohoo hoh ho .....

peace ....

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