[UNIQUE] Human Magnet

This is Aurel Raileanu, the human magnet. So called because, strange but true, nothing will stick to him like glued!

Employees at this hospital Romania sebuat even make television kira2 weighing 20kg stuck like glued to his chest without any tools

He was able to raise electric irons using just his skin miracle. He could cleanse itself of a table with a reply peunuh kitchen equipment more quickly than a group of kitchen workers.

Currently Aurel, yg live in the suburbs of the capital of Romania Bucharest, using the excess as a livelihood.

When he no longer put the television in his body, he worked as kinetoteraphist - using its power to help cure the pain of the accident.

Men wrote 40-year-old was admitted to not knowing how he could become a magnet for all things.

But he explained he was initially only focuses his mind on something, and let go of "feeling" magnetic pull that eventually even the most beratpun objects can stuck in his body.

Aurel wrote for The Sun artike explain mysterious ability - wrote to say he already has that capability for years. He also sent photos of him show that ability.

After inviting him in a demonstration session, he finally really shows that magnetic ability.

At first he concentrated focus for strength, then he could still stand when it stuck in his chest, and he walked around the room.

The television was still hanging on his body until he finally struggled a little off.

Next Aurel repeated attractions, this time using a large piece of wood spoon-nail.

He pleaded not able to explain this gift, enacting all the objects - not just metal - to stick to the chest, neck and forehead.

He said: "I keep it secret from the people in my town for fear of being branded as a freak."

"I probably already have some of this magnetic ability since the children, but since 6 years ago I was fully aware that if the objects were placed in the body so that things will continue to stick like glued.

"At that time I was wearing a fairly heavy necklace and then wrote off the handle. I saw in the mirror - the handle is open and the necklace is still stuck in the neck. I am suspicious and try it with things other reply - spoons, books, matches, and even a television set yg weight. all stuck. "
"This magnetic power only works on raw.'s Funny, when I went to the doctor's stethoscope akannya stuck in my throat".

The stories about people magnet ever heard. The most famous is the Russian factory worker Leonid Tenkaev, his wife Galina, her daughter Tanya, and his grandson Koyla.

A year after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster they are known to make metal objects stuck in their bodies.

Leonid able to hold heavy objects up to 25kg in her neck.

The doctors in Russia and Japan Tenkaev family's ability to believe this.

In 1991 Dr. Kono wrote Atusi amazed told reporters: "There was no denying the fact that things were really stuck in their bodies like a magnet".

A year later in Superfields conference in Sofia, Bulagria, a young woman, Marinela Brankova, demonstrating the strength dng raised tens of kilos of heavy television with his palms.

A Bulgarian woman, Vitoria Petrova, even entertain the delegates to make the objects move around the body dng diiring music.

But so far unknown Aurel and he said that he avoided talking much to the people about his ability was.

He added: "I just told my friend about this course. And they are amazed."

"Until now I did not try to find an expert to explain about this. I am a little afraid of the reaction might have appeared reply."

"For years I was in fear but now I've decided to show it to people."

"Maybe it will be interesting to go into television or research materials for scientists."

But it Aurel has its own steam about this.
"I have difficulty using a mobile phone - the phone pressed against my head and hold on!"

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