Proof of Alien Existence of Ancient Objects

There is a large amount of evidence Aliens involved in our history of the paintings, scrolls, sculpture, art, and stories that date back to the beginning of the earliest recordings we as the people on this planet. Some of the most famous of these works of art great artists often describe different alien UFO paranormal and other sites that can only be explained tetenga aliens visit us.

UFO in the painting Madonna with Saint Giovannino

This is a painting titled "Madonna with Saint Giovannino" a painting from around the 15th century probably painted by Domenico Ghirlandaio. The painting describes Mary mother of Jesus looking down, while in the background you can see a clear picture of what appears to be a UFO flying over, while a man on a ledge blocks the sun with his hand and stared at UFO in the sky.

UFO in Painting-The Baptism of Christ

This is a painting titled "The Baptism of Christ" painted in 1710 by Aert de Gelder. There are many strange UFO and Alien creatures in ancient art but not as clear as this one. You see in the sky a spaceship undoubtedly illuminate Christ. This can be interpreted as God or Godly become like angels, but the similarity with Common space craft UFO or flying saucers to create a lot of doubt that it was not a ray of God.

UFO in French Jeton

Type of coin used for Jeton fiqure monetary systems are complex and may have been used in illegal substitution in the game. This particular French Jeton from 1680 shows what appears to be a UFO flying in the air and even more interesting inscription in Latin translates to "It's here at the right time".

UFO in lukisa-The Crucifixion

Only titled "Crucifixion" by an unknown artist in 1350, this painting depicting two UFOs flying in the crucifixion of Christ. Aliens aliens that fly in the top right and left corner of the painting.

Weird Alien creatures in the painting

Japanese Painting By UFO-1803

This is a very interesting picture of a UFO Haratonohama, Hitachi, Japan in 1803. There is a book written about it that the words "and foreign sailors" look at the beach Haratonohama, Hitachi, Japan, and the ship was made of metal and glass with strange writings on it. This is the appearance of the painting resembles a flying saucer space ship.

UFO Seen As War-776

Big Picture is from a manuscript from the 12th century called Annales Laurissenses. This is said to Sigiburg siege of the castle in France, where the Saxons had surrounded the French and was about to take over the fort when the Flaming Shields hovering above the church. Saxony think that France is protected by these creatures and escaped. This happened in 776 years and has been well documented.

Big Head extends-is this an alien?

While many of these ancient statues say no more than a woman's hair, it could very well make the aliens as a figure and how they are active in our civilization at the time.

Painting of Moses Receiving the 10 Commandments ne UFO in the Air

Have long talked about how the Aliens visiting this planet for a long time and help to promote civilization and lead humanity into our society today. If that Moses received the Ten Commandments from the ancient Aliens and many points devine Bible and the past can easily be explained. This painting of a wooden drawer of a table stored in the Earls D'Oltremond in Belgium.

Ancient Statue Alien astronaut Ecuador

An interesting work of art found in Ecuador from what appears to be a man or be in a kind of space suit. Look at the similarities with the space suits worn by astronauts today.

UFO In the painting of the Crucifixion - 17th century

A Fresco (which is a painting done on the ceiling or wall) at the Cathedral in Mtskheta Svetitskhoveli clearly shows in the background of this picture of two flying saucers crusifixtion like it and if you zoomed in you can see in the picture. .... Weird

Dutch ship Seeing UFO-Painting 1660

Of the works in the literature Admiral Blaeu "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" This painting shows a meeting that took place when two Dutch ships, two disc-shaped object in the sky while sailing on the sea.

UFO Ancient Inca Statue

The statue of the ancient Inca, a far more advanced than other civilizations at that time similar in terms of time and location, the shape of two flying saucer. No doubt, Inca near contact with the Aliens if you see any particularly mathematics and astronomy and the calendar is a graph which followed more than a month and / or sun.

Lukisan Dua Aliens

Ini adalah gambar yang indah dari dua orang asing di zaman kuno membuktikan keberadaan ada aliens di antara umat manusia pada saat itu.

Aliens Dan Bayi hibrida

Dalam Seni Patung ini Anda dapat melihat apa yang dilakukan Aliens untuk membuat generasi baru. Dalam pelukan makhluk berkepala besar ini adalah bayi kecil yang menyerupai campuran antara ras manusia dan ras alien.

Sinar Lampu UFO - "The Annunciation" 1486

Dalam Lukisan menakjubkan ini disebut "Kabar Sukacita" dari 1486 oleh Carlo Crivelli. anda melihat gambar menakjubkan cahaya UFO dari atas dan orang-orang dengan wajah berseri-seri menuju sebuah bangunan dan melihat melalui jendela. Sebuah sungai dari Allah atau pesan dari beberapa tempat di luar langit.

Memperdebatkan objek terbang

Sebuah gambar dari Sastra perancis "Le Livre Des bonnes Moeurs" oleh Jacques Legrand. Sebuah buku Dari Perancis 1388. Beberapa berspekulasi bahwa itu adalah sebuah balon tetapi selama rentang waktu itu tidak ada perangkat seperti itu belum.

Kunjungan UFO-08/17/1783 Pada 9:45 pada malam hari di teras Windsor Castle empat orang menyaksikan sebuah benda aneh di langit. Tampaknya berjalan horisontal dengan cakrawala dan bentuk disk. Di bawahnya muncul sebuah bola yang aneh melesat ke timur dan kemudian ke barat selatan menerangi cahaya yang megah yang menerangi seluruh tanah di bawahnya. Ini adalah sketsa dari apa yang terlihat malam itu oleh Thomas dan paul Sandby dua orang yang menyaksikan penampakan itu.

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