The most impressive tomb 10 in the world


Newgrange burial mound in County Meath, Ireland certainly one of the prehistoric monuments of the most impressive in the world. Build between 3300 BC - 2900 BC, is also the world's oldest surviving building (it's older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt).

Newgrange is impressive: a circular mound is 250 feet (76 m) across and 40 feet (12 m) high. Covers the entire acre (4046 m²). Long tunnel under the mound led to the high dome of the cemetery, a vault with a corbelled ceiling made of large stone slabs at each other.

Newgrange entrance marked by a large roadside stone carved with "megalithic art," which includes an arc concentric spiral motifs and cracked into the stone with stone tools.

Tana Toraja
Toraja people in Sulawesi, Indonesia, have what is probably the most complex burial in the world. When someone dies, the funeral was attended by many people and can last for days! But that is not part of the strange - these are: the funeral ceremony is often held weeks, months or even years after death (to give the deceased's family enough time to collect money for fees).

Torajans can wait that long because they believe that death is not a sudden event but a gradual process towards the hereafter (if you're wondering about the smell - the body was embalmed in the first few days of death, then stored in a secret location until the funeral service) .

After much partying (including the massacre of one or several water buffaloes), the dead are buried in a stone cave carved from the rocky cliffs. A carved wooden sculpture called tau tau, carved with the person who died is then placed on the balcony watching the tomb to represent the dead and their bodies.

Westminster Abbey
Gothic church Westminster Abbey in London, England was founded by Benedictine monks in the tenth century (and rebuilt in the 13th century by King Henry III) - since it has developed into a good church for the coronation of the British aristocracy and the last resting place of the Lord.

Although initially Westminster Abbey is the burial place of kings, noblemen, and monks, it soon became the tomb of choice (if there is such a thing) for whom in the UK. Poets and writers such as Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, and Alfred Tennyson; as well as scientists like Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Ernest Rutherford all buried there.

Giza Necropolis
There are more than 100 pyramids in Egypt, with the largest and most famous is the pyramid complex at Giza Necropolis, Cairo, Egypt. The complex consists of the Great Pyramid of Giza (tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Khufu or Cheops), Khafre Pyramid, Pyramid of Menkaure, the Great Sphinx statue, as well as several other satellite pyramids smaller.

Let us, for example, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the only member of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. When finished in 2560 BC, this pyramid is 481 feet (147 m) tall with each base side to 758 feet (231 m) wide. Block weighed about 1.5 tons each, with granite blocks used as the internal roof burial space to about 80 tons each. Ancient Egypt knew what they were doing: the base sides have a mean margin of error is only 2 1 / 3 inch (58 mm)!

Lembah Para Raja
Even if you do not know much about the Valley of the Kings, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh's tomb and one of the archaeological sites of the most famous in the world, chances are you know about one of its occupants: King Tut and the Curse of the Pharaohs that accompany his grave.

In 1922, Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered and opened the tomb of Tutankhamen - despite warnings that "Death will come quickly to him on the wing who disturb the peace of the King." Lord Carnarvon, the funder of the expedition, was the first person to die: he was bitten by a mosquito and later accidentally lashed the bite while shaving. The wound became infected and he died of blood poisoning.

Is "mysterious" deaths associated with the Curse of the Pharaoh actually had anything to do with the opening of graves or simply to sell a copy of the paper, scientists recently discovered that there are grave indeed dangerous fungi, bacteria, toxins, and even hazardous gases.

Katakombe Paris
Officially called les Carrières de Paris or "mining in Paris," said the Catacombs of Paris is a network of underground tunnels and rooms that used the Roman-era limestone quarry.

In the late 1700s, she suffered from a disease caused by improper burials and mass graves in the cemetery of the church. Local decided that they would remove thousands of bones and place them stacked in underground mines are abandoned.

Today, the entrance to the catacombs is restricted and only a small part of 186 miles (300 km) worth of underground tunnels is accessible by the public. The secret entrance to the Catacombs, however, dotted Paris - urban explorers have found access via sewers, manholes, and even the Paris Metro subway system.

Darat terracota
In 1974, local farmers in Xi'an, China, discovered a complex of vast underground tomb while drilling water. They have accidentally stumbled upon a burial ground of Qin Shi Huang Ti, First Emperor and the unifier of China.

According to legend, the First Emperor was buried with great treasure in a tomb decorated with pearls, the ceiling (in a pattern that represents the cosmos) and channels dug in the ground with flowing mercury to represent the rivers in China. But the most famous feature is the tomb terracota Army, about 8,000 lives and the lives of such size statues of soldiers buried with Qin Shi Huang Ti to help the reign of Emperor in the afterlife.

Capuchin Katakombe Palermo
When the Capuchin monastery in Palermo, Italy, outgrew its original cemetery in the 16th century, monks excavated the catacomb below it and began a strange tradition that lasted until the 19th century.

The Capuchin monks mummified body of the dead, they wore everyday clothes and then put them on display at the monastery walls. Apparently, it was quite a status symbol to be buried in the Capuchin monastery - prominent citizens of the city will ask to be preserved in certain clothing or even having to change clothes on a regular basis according to contemporary fashion!

When the last body was interred in the late 1800's, there was a mummy in 8000 Capuchin monastery walls and in the catacombs.

Sedlec Osuarium

Sedlec Ossuary who lived in a small Roman Catholic chapel in Sedlec, Czech Republic. If you do not know better, you would not expect that in a simple building is an ossuary containing about 40,000 human skeletons artistically arranged to form the decor, candles, and furniture!

In the 13th century, an abbot returned to Sedlec with small amounts of earth from Golgotha, where Jesus' crucifixion, and sprinkled throughout the monastery cemetery. This makes the land the church cemetery desired site and over centuries thousands of people buried there.

In 1870, František Rint, a woodcarver was hired to put a pile of bones in order. He decided to create a work of art from skeletal remains: a lamp made of skulls and bones, a symbol of the family who paid him to do the job.

Taj Mahal
There are no articles in the tomb is complete without the Taj Mahal, a magnificent tomb at Agra, India. The Taj Mahal was built in 1631 by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, who shattered when his wife Mumtaz Mahal died during childbirth. Grief-stricken, he ordered that the most beautiful tomb built.

and for Bonus
City Of The Dead Ossetia,Russia

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