Expressing Love with Unique Gifts

Flowers, chocolates, or a doll is a best-selling gifts at Valentine's Day. Naturally, the three chapters they will have special meaning, especially flowers. "Maybe because of the myth of flowers, flower shows immortality. People who give flowers during Valentine's Day is also hoped that their love will be eternal," says Billy, a student at one private university in Depok area, who claimed to prefer to give flowers than any other gift. "Interest is more romantic than the other gifts," he continued.

Value romance seems more attention than the function object which is used as a gift. These values can also be seen from the packaging gifts. No wonder, people are willing to pay a lot for packaging. Sometimes, the packaging is more expensive than its contents. Wajar saja, di untuk sebuah kemasan yang indah, modalnya tidak sedikit. Starting from the selection box, wrap, until knick-perniknya really an option.

Romantic words used to accompany a Valentine's gift would not have to always be expressed through a piece of paper, e-mail, or sms. Flip-flops can be a choice, even could be a gift as well. Flip-flops, why not? De Trunk, for example, there are pairs of flip-flops bearing the word love on the right and you on the left. Another pair, on the right reads and make love on the left bearing. With sweet colors, pink and light blue, flip-flops can be an expression of love is different from others.

Not only that, there are many other unique gifts that can be unique gifts, games and candy, for example. In accordance with the theme that not far from love, games and candy are also using the words that express these feelings. One form of the game, love games, will be a unique gift and romantic. The game is played in pairs serpentine staircase with 36 boxes. In each box is passed, there are romantic words or a sentence in the form of commands to do something. For example, in one box is the command "make a romantic poem".
If through the box, we must create a romantic poem for your opponent (partner) we are. Not only that, romantic statements are also included in this game like "Only you in my heart". Looks simple, but this game will be a strong reason to enjoy Valentine's Day with your partner.

Candy sweetheart named was also unique, ranging from where to contents. One jar contains 20 candy sweetheart who can be divided into 2, 10 love you sweets candy pink and candy miss you 10 red sweets. Just like regular candy packaging, in the jar sweetheart also there are some details about its contents, for example, "produced by someone who loves you", "ingredients: sugar to make your life sweeter, miss you flavor to make you fall in love with me, love color to Brighten up your day ".

Maybe some of us do not celebrate Valentine. But, if given a unique gift like that, who could resist?

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