Wowwww, Aged bodies still Intact after 2150 year ....

Remains a figure-year-old woman in 2150 wet and preserved intact with high technology by a team of China experts and exhibited in museums Changsha, Hunan Province, China, became the target of tourists visit.

In 2150 the bodies were intact and fresh from a historic museum heritage objects in the City of Changsha, China was reported Thursday, the whole body as a living human being and placed in a transparent box containing a preservative fluid.

Sinzui named the dead woman is white, pale, with eyes closed, tongue lolling and black haired with heights reaching 158 feet.

Based on data in the museum, the body was discovered in 1972 in a wooden box measuring five feet long, eight feet wide and two meters high, buried at a depth of 20 meters from the surface soil in the hill Mantui, Changsha.

When found, the three boxes the same size in which each have one body, ie a male aged 58 years and 30 years, but the bodies of two men were not exhibited in the museum Changsha.

The discovery of three large boxes full of commands that begins with the leader of China at that time that the people in Changsha, a large hole dug for shelter in case of war. When people dig in the hills Maantui, at a depth of 20 meters in three large wooden box and after the opening of each one dead.

In addition, various items used since 2100 years ago was also stored in the trunk and still intact, even the color did not fade. Government of China then lowered a team of experts and saved three break crates and all its contents, including these three bodies.

Team physician experts, who did the surgery, said the body was intact and wet without damage, although buried 2100 years. After surgery, the body was preserved with high technology to the next stored in museums of Changsha, which was built to save, store and display the findings, which could reveal the people's life in 2100 and China's.

Various tools are also found in the chest, which was also rescued and cleaned with high technology and with the dead woman was kept and exhibited in the museum Changsha.

High historic ancient objects that include dozens of large jars and small, the bones of various animals, which eat human flesh at the time, coins are round and patch of bamboo.

In addition, cooking utensils of wood and metal, metal and wooden spoons are large, plate and glass from the metal and wood. Dozens of human sculptures from clay and wood, ancient arms of the arrow and bow, along the ancient sword and 1.5 meters wide other sharp weapons stored there.

In addition, there is illustrated a clay relief of tens of people, who lived at the time, rice pestle, harp musical instrument is small and big, old guitars, a dozen flutes of various sizes, angklung of wood, mats measuring 2 × 05 meters and instruments game, like, ancient chess.

In addition, the letter notes the event 2100 years ago, a leader of that time, dozens of books of ancient China, dozens of paintings of flowers, silk fabrics and dozens of ancient china clothing, belts, scarves, socks, shoes and pants.

All of these ancient items found simultaneously in the wooden crate containing the bodies of three figures. According to Wen Hui Yu, the leader of Dong Fang travel agency International Ltd, Guangzhou, China, based on the notes, translated from an ancient book and a letter found in the coffin, the corpse and the age of ancient items reaches 2100 years.

Bodies and various historical relic China tempo of life had now become one of the leading tourist attractions in Changsha city and visited some 800,000 people each year, said Yu Wen Hui.

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