Most interesting animals in the world

10. Pipefish

Bony fish are located in the same family with the sea horse and sea dragon, but the fish is far more cute. Most of them live in salty waters, and a small part in fresh water. Just as sea horses, fish, eggs membawa2 male that the female for some time.

Funny fact: the love life of this fish is very varied. Some species married for life, and some females of some species married with several males at the same time.

9. European Mole

This small Insektivora covered with hide bulu2 wrote most of the shape, which makes them very attractive. European mole spends most of his life underground, digging tunnels, and eat insects. They are known to have poor vision, which are not necessary in the basement. They may be cute, but they can cause damage to the plants.
Funny fact: You can not kill the moles in Germany without permission. 

8. Kiwi

Not a cave kiwifruit mean, but the kiwi bird! These birds originated from New Zealand and is the fattest bird feathers! This bird's wing has been reduced, making them unable to fly, but they have a sense of smell is very sharp. They eat insects, worms, leaves, and buah2an. There are five species known, and the fifth is a rare species that have ...
Fact funny: Kiwi eggs can reach 20% of the mother's body weight. It's just like a woman weighing 150 pounds, the body that gave birth to a baby dg weight 30 pounds.
7. Angora Rabbit

The first time, maybe you think this animal is a giant ball, but in it there is a rabbit benar2. This large rabbit bred specifically to be taken fur. There are 4 known descendants.
6. Puffer Fish

This family of fish can swallow water (even air) quickly, very quickly, so that they can be bebentuk ball and menakut2i predators. This way is often saved their lives, and some poisonous puffer fish.

Fact funny: puffer fish has a genome of the world's smallest vertebrate. 
5. African Pygmy Hedgehog

These mammals are the most beautiful mammals in the family Erinaceidae. They can roll up his body to protect itself. Hedgehogs have been domesticated, so you may have to be maintained without much trouble.

Funny facts: first check the local laws in your state before buying a hedgehog. Some places require a permit, while some really  forbids them to be maintained. 
4. Dwarf Hamster

This small rodent is more beautiful than their cousins the larger. There are 3 species, but my favorite is Campbell's dwarf hamster. These animals came from China and Russia. They are sold as pets in almost all pet stores. Chinese hamster also beautiful and sometimes called dwarf hamsters, although they are not in the same genus.
3. Manatee

Sea cow is very fat, but very cute. Imutnya so, you'll be eager to embrace her. Unlike whales and lumba2, Manatee are herbivores. They also have a kinship with the elephants and they belong to a rare species continue to be hunted for.

Fact funny: Manatee have toenails that are not useful in the fins. 
2. Woolly Bear Caterpillar

Most of the caterpillar's disgusting, but this caterpillar. This cute caterpillar is the larva form of the Isabella tiger moth. They eat a variety of plants.
1. Silky Anteater

This animal is a member of the family satu2nya of Cyclopedidae. Latin name for this animal is Cyclopes didactylus. They live in trees and has a tail that can hold, and sharp claws. Beware scratched!     

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